Matthew 马太福音 14:1-12 — The Herod of the King Murdered 君王的先锋被杀

  1. The Motivation for the Murder 杀人的动机 (14:1-4)

The reason Herod wanted to kill John the Baptist because John pointed out his sin of taking his brother’s wife. However, he did not do it for he feared what consequence it may bring if he had beheaded John the Baptist.



  1. The Occasion of the Murder 杀人的机会 (14:4-12)

But when Herod’s birthday came, he promised with an oath to give Herodias’ daughter whatever she asked. Having been prompted by her mother, the daughter requested the head of John the Baptist. And although he was grieved, the king commanded it to be given because of his oaths. John the Baptist became the first martyr in the New Testament for speaking the truth.



  1. The Reaction to the Murder 他人反应 (14:5-13)

When Jesus heard it, He withdrew from there in a boat, and to a lonely place by Himself. As the gospel of Mark fill us in on the reason: rest a while (Mark 6:31). The guilt of Herod is clear to himself because when he heard of Jesus, he told them that John has been raised from the dead; that is why these miraculous powers are at work in Jesus (Mat 14:2).




Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. How do we react when our brothers or sisters point out our sin? Do we response differently from Herod? Pray that we are willing to humble ourselves and repent for the glory of God.



  1. Herod was so happy when Herodias’ daughter danced for him on his birthday that he gave a promised that he regret later. How often we give a blanket promise we cannot keep or regret later. Pray that we always prudent and humble in our thoughts and words.



  1. When Jesus heard about the murder of John the Baptist, he withdrew privately to a solitary place. It is alright to grieve, to be alone and to recuperate for a short time. This is what Jesus did – a short time. The next verse we see Him out in the ministry again. Pray that we would take time to pray and re-orientate ourselves after tragedy but do emerge stronger in ministry for the glory of God.
