Matthew 马太福音 25:31-46 — Final Judgment of the Nations 列国的最后审判

Finally, at His second coming, Christ will return as The Judge. He will determine who will and will not enter His kingdom.



  1. The setting 情景 (25:31)

In His first coming, the Son of Man came in humility to save sinners. However, when He returns to take His rightful position as the great King and Judge, He “comes in glory” with His heavenly angels and “will sit on His glorious throne” to reign over the earth.



  1. The process 过程 (25:32-33)

In doing so, His first step will be to judge who is fit for His kingdom. Every person ever alive will be gathered before Him, and He separates them into two people for two opposite destinies.



  1. The outcome 结果 (25:34-46)

At that time, the believing sheep will enter into the eternal favour and blessing of the King, which were prepared for them from the foundation of the world. Having been saved from sin by the Sacrificial Lamb, they were also made righteous, bearing fruit of salvation (v.35-40) which God prepared beforehand that they should walk in them (Eph. 2:10). Similarly, the unbelieving goats gave evidence of their rejection of Christ in that they did not love and serve His people. In their refusal to minister to Him, they proved that they did not belong. Such will be separated unto the eternal punishment of hell.




Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Jesus first came as the Son of Man – humble, meek and humiliated. Do we then look down on His offer of salvation? Let us recall to mind that He will surely return – glorious and uplifted – for He is King.



  1. Do you fear God and His judgment? Do you fear that you may be found separated as his goat on that day?



  1. Let us thank our heavenly Father for the provision of His Son to die on the cross, so that our sins are cleansed and His righteousness is imputed to us forever. Let us thank Him for the riches of His blessing that abound to us who are ever undeserving, whom we can claim no credit to be the subject of His love.
