Matthew 马太福音 14:13-21 — The Feeding of Five Thousand 五饼二鱼

  1. The Compassion of Christ 基督的怜悯 (14:13-14)

Upon news of John’s death, Jesus withdrew from Capernaum to be alone for refreshment. However, out of selfish motives (cf. John 6:2), the crowd would not leave Him alone. When Jesus saw them, he had compassion on them and started ministering to them again.



  1. The Sufficiency of Christ 基督的充足 (14:15-18)

Seeing the coming crowd, Jesus asked Philip and Andrew on how they would be fed (John 6:5-6). Though they were with this Lord and Creator of the universe, their immediate response was to see their own lack, despite repeated promptings (John 6:7-9, v.16-17). Finally, Jesus told His disciples to go to Him, as He displays to them His sufficiency.



  1. The Abundance of Christ 基督的丰盛 (14:19-21)

Here, the disciples’ dullness of perspective is overruled by Jesus’ display of power. After giving thanks to the Father, there was apparently a continuous multiplication from five loaves and two fishes as the disciples walking and giving out the food among the crowd. There were about five thousand men who ate, aside from women and children, which indicates the total crowd could have been as large as 25,000. The people not just ate but were full, with 12 baskets filled with leftovers. The people were so awed that “they wanted to take Him by force to make Him king” (John 6:15).



Praying the Scripture 经文祷告


  1. Jesus confirmed the disciples’ need to show compassion for those in need, even when the needy are fickle and undeserving, and at times do so at personal expense. Do you show compassion only to whom you are in favour of (Matt. 5:46-47)?



  1. We are tempted to think that had we been in the disciples’ position, we would have immediately thought of asking Jesus to feed the crowd. Yet, how many times have we faced a crisis that seemed overwhelming and insurmountable and failed to consider the Lord’s power?



  1. Ours is a God of abundant providence, but just as the food did not begin to multiply until after the disciples started distributing it. Not only we need to trust God but we also need to obey Him. We will see His grace if only we trust and obey. Let’s pray that we would trust and obey.
