Exodus 出埃及记 17 — Sanctification 成圣

Another Test 另一个考验 (1–7).

You never solve your problems by blaming other people. Israel’s real problem was unbelief and a desire to go back to the old life. Every difficulty you meet is an opportunity for testing yourself and trusting your Lord, for going forward or going backward. The rock pictures Jesus Christ who was smitten for us (1 Cor. 10:4) that we might have the living water of the Holy Spirit within (John 7:37–39).



Another Enemy 另一位敌人 (8–13).

The Egyptian army had been drowned, but the Amalekites were very much alive and did not want Israel in their territory. It was Esau fighting Jacob again (Gen. 36:12). It takes intercession on the mountain as well as intervention in the valley for God’s people to win the victory. Israel watched God defeat Egypt, but now they had to enter the battle themselves and trust God for victory. Our High Priest intercedes in heaven for us (Heb. 4:14–16). This is the first mention of Joshua in Scripture. Little did he know that one day he would take Moses’ place as leader of God’s people.

埃及军队已被淹没,但亚玛力人仍然积极生活,不希望以色列人进入他们的领土。我们再一次看到了以扫与雅各的抗争(创36:12)。神的子民若想得胜,不但需要山顶上的代求,也需山谷中的介入。以色列目睹了神如何击败埃及,但现在他们必须自己加入战局,并相信神会带给他们胜利。我们的大祭司也在天上为我们代求(来 4:14-16)。这使圣经首次提及约书亚。此时的约书亚还不晓得他将来会代替摩西成为神子民的领袖。


Another Assurance 另一份保证 (14–16).

Each test can tell you something new about yourself and about the Lord (Gen. 22:14; Exod. 15:26). When you face the battles of life, remember that He is your banner and can give you victory (John 16:33; 1 John 5:4–5).


Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Israel had a long way to go before they would qualify as a godly nation. So far, every new trial they experienced only brought the worst out of them. Sometimes we think we know our hearts, that is until we come face to face with temptation. It is like tea bags without label. The flavor of the tea can only be known by soaking it in boiling water. Every difficulty can make us better or worse, and it’s our own attitude that determines which it will be. Let’s pray that we will learn the lesson and overcome the difficulty with flying colors.



  1. The Amalekites were the descendants of Esau (Gen. 36:12, 16) who was “a profane person” (Heb. 12:16). The word translated “profane” (godless) comes from a Greek word which refers to somebody who is “accessible” and “open-minded.” The English word “profane” comes from the Latin and it means “outside the temple.” Esau lived for the world and despised spiritual things (v. 17). Esau opposed his brother Jacob and threatened to kill him (Gen. 27:41), and Esau’s descendants opposed the children of Jacob (Israel) and threatened to annihilate them. Let’s pray that we are not so naive to think we can befriend the world. Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. (Jam 4:4)



  1. Whenever Moses held up his hand in prayer, Israel prevailed, and whenever he lowered his hand, Amalek prevailed. (Ex 17:11) Are you an overcomer? Do you pray?
