Genesis 创世纪 35-36 — The New Horizon 全新的视野

Moving from Genesis 34 to Genesis 35 is like going from a desert to a garden. The atmosphere in Genesis 35 is one of faith and obedience, and the emphasis is on cleansing and renewal. God is mentioned ten times in chapter 35; and He used His name El Shaddai, which means “God Almighty, the all-sufficient One.” Best of all, in chapter 35 you see God’s pilgrims making progress and arriving at the place of God’s appointment.

从《创世记》34章读到《创世记》35章就好像从沙漠到了花园一样。《创世记》35章的氛围是信心和顺服,强调了洁净和复新。在第35章中,神的名字就提到十次;而所用的名字是El Shaddai,即“全能神,自给自足的神”。最重要的是在第35章中,我们看到神的朝圣者有了进展,到达了神所预备的地方了。


New Beginning 新的开始

God once more appeared and told Jacob what to do. This was a part of the Bethel promise (28:13–15). We walk by faith when we obey God in spite of circumstances or consequences. But a change in geography does not guarantee a change in life, so Jacob told the whole family to bury the past and get rid of their heathen charms and idols. At Bethel, Jacob built a new altar and worshiped “the God of the house of God.”



New Sorrow 新的悲伤

Three deaths are recorded in this chapter, for death is one of the facts of life. Jacob’s obedience to God did not prevent him from experiencing trials. He lost a friend, Deborah; a favorite wife, Rachel; and then his beloved father. (In spite of what he said in 27:2, Isaac lived for forty-three years after that!) Perhaps the greatest sorrow of all was the sin of his firstborn son Reuben. Sin is expensive, and this one cost Reuben the birthright (49:3-4; 1 Chron. 5:1).



New Joy 新的喜乐

The birth of Benjamin cost Rachel her life (30:1). Jacob wisely changed the name from “son of my sorrow” to “son of my right hand” (the place of honor). It was an act of faith at a time when Jacob’s heart was broken. Like Benjamin, our Lord Jesus is a Son of sorrow (Isa. 53:3) and a Son of the right hand (Ps. 110:1; Mark 16:19). The tribe of Benjamin gave us the apostle Paul (Phil. 3:5), so the mother’s sacrifice bore a rich harvest for the whole world (John 12:24–25).

拉结在生便雅悯时难产而失去了生命(30:1)。雅各明智地把名字从“儿子,我的悲伤” 改成“儿子,我的右手的”(荣誉的位置)。雅各在悲哀时仍能如此行,这是出于信心的。如便雅悯一样,我们主耶稣也是悲伤的儿子(赛53:3)和在右手的儿子(诗110:1;可16:19)。从便雅悯支派而出的有使徒保罗(腓3:5),所以这母亲的牺牲带给了全世界一个极大的祝福(约12:24-25)。


Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. No matter how many times we’ve failed the Lord, we can go back to Him provided we truly repent and obey. It happened to Abraham (13:1-4), Isaac (26:17), David (2 Sam. 12), Jonah (Jonah 3:1-3), and Peter (John 21:15-19); and now it’s happening to Jacob. Jacob returned to God. Dear Lord, I am not fooled by my propensity to sin but help me to rely on you and if I sin again, please help me to repent and return to you and ask for forgiveness immediately.



  1. Rachel named his son Ben-oni which means “son of my sorrow.” But Jacob renamed his new son Benjamin, which means “son of my right hand,” that is, a son of honor. The first king of Israel came from the tribe of Benjamin (1 Sam. 9) and the Apostle Paul was also a Benjamite (Phil. 3:5). Jacob’s faith brought him hope rather than sorrow. Lord, help us to see our problems with spiritual lenses. You are a good God and you cause all things to work together for good. So let us receive your grace, including discipline from your hand, with gratitude and learn from it.
