Matthew 马太福音 26:17-30 — Final Preparation before the Cross I 上十架前的最后预备(一)

On the last day before crucifixion, Jesus was with His disciples; Matthew presents four elements of the King’s own preparation for His sacrificial death.



  1. The Final Passover 最后的逾越节 (26:17-25)

The Passover celebration marks the first day of the combined feast with the feast of the Unleavened Bread. This central feast of the Jewish year commemorates the deliverance of Israel from Egyptian bondage. Sacrificial lambs were slaughtered in the temple, to be taken with unleavened bread, wine, bitter herbs and the dip for the Passover meal. After preparation, Jesus and His disciples gathered for His final meal and he mentioned His betrayal for the first time. Although God used Judas’ betrayal to fulfill prophecy (cf. John 13:18), the Lord made clear that it is Judas himself must be responsible for his own action.



  1. The First Lord’s Supper 首个圣餐 (26:26-30)

After Judas’ departure, Jesus ended the Passover feast and instituted a new memorial to Himself.  They would not look back to a lamb in Egypt as the symbol of God’s redeeming love and but to the very Lamb of God, who, by the sacrificial shedding of His own blood, took away the sins of the world. This memorial is to continue until the future kingdom comes (cf. 1 Cor. 11:23-26), when He will drink it new with believers. Jesus concluded the first supper with the singing of a hymn.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. The disciples were sitting together with the Passover Lamb yet they do not know it. Pray that the Lord open our eyes and treasure the moment we have with Jesus.



  1. When they were having the Passover meal Jesus became very sorrowful because of the cross is imminent. Yet the disciples will not sensitive to him. Even after Jesus told them one of them will betrayed him, they are so self-centered focusing on themselves asking, “Is it I?” They are not sensitive to Jesus to share his burden at all. What about you? Are you sensitive to Jesus? Or are you only busy with your agenda in life?



  1. The communion service not only signified the death and cleansing of Jesus but it also gives us hope. The hope that Jesus will return one day. Jesus said, “I tell you I will not drink again of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.” (Mt. 26:29) Pray that we will eagerly prepare ourselves to eat and drink with Jesus on that day.
