Matthew 马太福音 20:29-34 — The Blind That Is Able To “See” 能“见”的瞎子

Jesus was now on His way to Jerusalem and His arrest, trial and crucifixion were only weeks away. Why, we may wonder, did He stop and take time to minister to two blind beggars? The only reason was because He is compassionate.



  1. The Plea of the blind 瞎子的请求 (20:29-30)

“Behold” was used to call special attention to something or someone. In this case the two blind men would not be noticed by the noisy the people on the street. After years of blindness, their compelling desire was to see and hence they were desperately crying out to Jesus. The amazing thing about these two men was that although they were physically blind, but spiritually they can see clearly. They “see” Jesus is the messiah because they called Him by His messianic title “Son of David.” Clearly they know Jesus is the Messiah.



  1. The Prevention of the blind 瞎子的阻挠 (20:31)

Resenting the intrusion of the two men, the multitude sternly told them to be quiet. Though everyone in the multitude was doubtlessly able to see yet they are blind spiritually and they cannot see who Jesus is. They not only live in their blindness, they also prevent others from coming to Jesus to receive their spiritual sight.



  1. The Presentation of sight to the blind 瞎子得以看见 (20:32-34)

Moved with infinite divine compassion, the Son of Man bestowed mercy on the blind men for which they pleaded. This powerful, dramatic demonstration of Jesus’ compassion for men was a clear proof of His Messiahship.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Who do you turn to when you are desperate? Let’s pray that we will “with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Heb. 4:16).


  1. Do you take time to notice the needs of the people around you, or are you so busy that you are blind to them? Let’s pray that God will help us to be compassionate so as to see the needs of people around us and not to close our hearts against them.



  1. How is your spiritual eyesight? Can you see? Sometime we are so blind that we not only cannot see our own blindness, we also preventing others from coming to Jesus to receive spiritual sight. Pray that we examine and humble ourselves so that we would go to Jesus to receive spiritual sight. Besides that, may we also help others to do likewise.
