Matthew 马太福音 6:1-4 — Giving without Hypocrisy无虚伪的施舍

The term ‘Hypocrite’ was originally used for a Greek actor who wore a mask that portrayed the role that was being dramatized in an exaggerated way. For obvious reasons the term subsequently came to be used on anyone who pretended to be what he was not. Hypocrisy is never treated lightly in Scripture (Amos 5:21-24).



  1. The Danger of False Righteousness 虚假善行的危险 (6:1)

All religious acts are prescribed by God; but if these acts are insincere and not accompanied by righteous living, they are not acceptable to God. These hypocritical sacrifices, offerings and songs would not be for God’s glory but for the people’s own glory and self-satisfaction.



  1. The Practice and Reward of False Giving 虚假的善行与其赏赐 (6:2)

The rewards that hypocrites get are the rewards they promise themselves – public recognition and praise, fed by a desire to be honored by men. That is all they get; seeking men’s blessings forfeits God’s.



  1. The Practice and Reward of True Giving 真实的施舍与其赏赐 (6:3-4)

This refers to doing something spontaneously with no special effort or public display. The act is done in love and out of response to a need. When this need is met, the giver goes on about his business, not waiting for or wanting recognition. When we take least notice of our good deeds, God take most notice of them. God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Cor. 9:7)



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Jesus tells us that what we do must be done from an inwardly sincere heart so that we may be approved by God and not for the praise of men. What are your motivations of doing things in your everyday life?



  1. Have you tried to impress others with your generosity and spirituality? Or have you taken pains to ensure that your good works are “accidentally” noticed? Pray to God that He will guide you to give without hypocrisy and that you want His rewards more than any other.



  1. God has always delighted in the acts of mercy and generosity. (Dt. 15:13-14). If true giving is an act done in love in response to a need, then are you aware of the needs of your brother or sister in church?