Matthew 马太福音 9:14-17 — Clarification about Discipleship 澄清作门徒的概念

In the previous passage, Jesus demonstrated true discipleship by calling Matthew the sinner (tax collector) who responded with total trust by making a ‘no-turning-back’ commitment to Jesus. Here, Jesus is asked a question about fasting. It may well be that John’s disciples were fasting on a day that the followers of Jesus were feasting (cf. Mark 2:18). This is typical of religious people. They practice all sorts of rituals and ceremonies, but haven’t the least idea why they do it. But Jesus is clear that his coming marks a discontinuity with legalism.



  1. The Question about Fasting 对于禁食的问题 (9:14)

The only required fasting in the OT is on the Day of Atonement (Lev. 16:29–34). However, the Pharisees fast every Monday and Thursday, so they are surprised that Jesus’ followers do not practice the same thing.



  1. The Question about Commitment 对于委身的问题 (9:15)

Jesus responds saying they should not mourn while He is with them. The first lesson we learn here is that fasting is linked with mourning. Secondly, their commitment is to Jesus rather than rituals. He said, “The guests of the bridegroom cannot mourn while he is with them.



  1. The Question about legalism 对于律法主义的问题 (9:16-17)

Jesus uses two illustrations which clearly require a break from the old legalism. Jesus is not here to reform the law but to show the new way of the Messiah.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Many Christians are so accustomed to legalism. They feel they must do something in order to ‘feel’ God or be godly. But God looks at the inside rather than outside. The internal is more important than the external. He wants our desires, affections and love more than merely doing something religiously. So what do you do to draw near to God?



  1. Fasting is not commanded in the New Testament as a religious duty. Christians do not fast to get the attention of God. This is meritocracy. This is NOT grace. The reason Christians fast is because they are burdened and sad and they want to humble themselves before God and seek Him in prayer. They read scripture and pray so intensely that they forget about food. Would you fast, humble yourselves and seek God with all your hearts if you face difficulties in life?
