Matthew 马太福音 21:12-17 — The King Denounced Israel’s Worship 君王谴责以色列的敬拜

  1. The Purpose of God’s Temple 神圣殿的目的 (21:13-14)

The temple was a place where Solomon had specifically dedicated as a house of prayer (1 Kings 8:28-30), and where Hannah came to pour her grieves to God (1 Sam 1:9-20). It was to be a place of worship, meditation, praise and devotion, a place where God’s people could draw close to Him in worship, sacrifice and offerings, and could seek His will and blessings.



  1. The Profane of God’s temple 神圣殿的玷污 (21:12)

However, the temple leaders had no fear of God, turning the holy ground into a den of robbers. The chief priests ruled that animals not bought in one of their franchises would be unacceptable for offering. This led to high levels of extortion. Besides, those who needed to have foreign currencies exchanged for purchase of offerings were charged a ghastly 25% fee. Instead of being a place where the faithful could come worship, it became a robbers’ den.



  1. The Provoked temple leaders 圣殿领袖被激怒 (21:15-17)

When Jesus entered the temple, He swept the temple clean of its filth, pouring forth streams of mercy to the blind and lame. Praises were flowing again for the Messiah. With their contrasting ungodliness scathed, the chief priests and scribes attempted to weaken the weight of praise that came from the children, only to hear Jesus quote from Ps 8:2, that if even tiny infants and nursing babies would be prepared by God to give praise to Himself, how much more could older children be expected to praise Him? Finally Jesus left because the unbelieving leaders would not come to Him.




Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. The Old Testament saints have to travel a long distance to the temple in Jerusalem in order to pray and worship. However, in the New Testament, we are told that our bodies are the temple of God (1 Cor. 6:19). Do you pray and worship God daily since it is so convenient?



  1. The Jews and Chief priests turn the temple into a mean to gain profit. What about us? Do you turn the church fellowship a place to do business or gain customers? Do you come to offer yourselves, your gifts and your lives to God or do you turn the place of God into the robbers’ den?



  1. We are created to worship God yet the chief priests and the scribes were angry because the children were worshipping God. Do you worship God daily? Do you respect our brothers and sisters’ time and space to worship?
