Matthew 马太福音 15:1-20 — Empty Worship 虚假的敬拜

  1. Empty Traditions 虚假的遗传 (v.1-9)

When Israel first received the law, they build a wall around it to protect it (cf. Heb. 10:1). But Jesus said without right hearts, these traditions are superficial and external. Man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart (1 Sam. 16:7). Thus, Jesus confronted them by asking, “Why do you break the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition?” Honoring our parents includes the responsibility of meeting their needs, but tradition allows a person to dedicate his possessions to God as an excuse for not supporting their parents. Jesus condemned them as hypocrites.



  1. Empty Hearts 虚假的(v.10-20)

Jesus explained further that the physical has no way of defiling the spiritual – spiritual defilement is from inside. Hypocrites will be offended by the truth (v.12); their outcome is judgment (v.13), and they also lead others to damnation (v.14). While we should warn them when there are opportunities (cf. Jude 23), we are also told to leave them alone, lest we fall into the same falsehood (cf. 2 John 8-11). Sin begins from the heart, and so we must keep our hearts with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life (Prov. 4:23)

耶稣进一步解释说,物质的东西是不能玷污属灵的——属灵的玷污是由内而发。假冒为善的人会不服真理(12节);他们的结局是审判(13节),而他们也会领人受咒诅(14节)。如果有机会,我们应该警告他们(参:犹23);但我们也被告知要远离他们,免得我们陷入相同的谎言(参:约二8-11)。罪是从心里开始的,所以我们必须警惕保守自己的心,因为一生的果效是由心发的(箴 4:23)。


Praying the Scripture 经文祷告


  1. There are many well-intended Christians in the church and they legalistic insist everyone comply the letters of the law without genuine love and care for others. Are you the well-intended Christian that expect everyone to follow traditions especially man-made rules such that we ignore God’s grace? Please pray to the Lord in response.



  1. Jesus said, “This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me.” Is your heart far away from the Lord?



  1. The Bible teaches us to keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life (Prov. 4:23). How do you guard your heart? Is your heart filled with love, grace and compassion or is your heart filled with bitterness, hate and anger? Please pray to God in response.

圣经教导我们要保守自己的心,胜过保守一切,因为一生的果效是由心发出(箴 4:23)。你是如何保守你的心?你的心是否充满着爱、恩典和怜悯,还是充满了苦毒、仇恨和愤怒呢?请在祷告中回应神。