Matthew 马太福音 26:47-56 — Betrayal and Arrest of the King 君王的背叛与捕捉

After making preparations for His death, the time for the cross has come.



  1. The kiss of the traitor 叛徒亲嘴 (26:47-49)

Judas came with an armed crowd brought together for the sole purpose of arresting Jesus and putting Him to death. They consist of the officers of the Temple (Lk. 22:52), a cohort of Roman soldiers, Pharisees (Jn. 18:3), chief priests and elders. Ironically, Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss, a sign of close affection and love reserved only for intimate relationships.



  1. The presumption of Peter 彼得冒昧 (26:50-55)

The soldiers came and seized Jesus once He was identified. While the other disciples asked if they could strike with the sword, Peter (Jn. 18:10) went ahead and struck the servant of the high priest. In telling Peter keep his sword, Jesus was saying that physical weapons cannot be used to defend or extend His kingdom. Not only was it morally wrong (Gen. 9:6), it was also unnecessary. The Lord’s battles are won by His power alone. 



  1. The defection of the disciples 门徒逃亡 (26:56)

The manner of arrest attested to the unjust and cowardice of the elders and chief priests. However, Jesus’ arrest was ultimately a fulfillment of God’s prophesized plan of redemption. As it dawned on the disciples that their Lord was finally a captive of His enemies, and that He would not do anything Himself nor let them interfere, all fled in fear of being arrested as accomplices.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss. On the surface he was intimate with Jesus but in his heart he betrayed Him. Are you like Judas – on the surface love Jesus but secretly love the world and sometime to the extent of betraying Him? Pray for repentance and return to him and serve Him and Him alone.



  1. Jesus said, “For all who take the sword will perish by the sword.” (Mt. 26:52) Do you want to achieve the will of God through the sword or violent or our own way? Or will you be willing to humble and submit to God’s plan even it means to go through suffering and humiliation? Pray that we will humble ourselves.



  1. When Jesus was arrested, the disciples fled. This is a fact of life that when we need our friends most they fled, all of them. If you were there will you run away also? Was Judas the only one betrayed Jesus? How about the rest of the disciples? Pray that the Lord have mercy on us.
