Matthew 马太福音 27:1-10 — The Traitor’s Suicide 叛徒自杀

Although Peter denied Christ but he turned to God in repentance. In contrast, Judas remained in his sin, and guilt drove him to eternal death.



  1. Jesus’ sentence 耶稣的判决 (27:1-2)

The Sanhedrin finally found an excuse to convict Jesus (26:63-66) but was not allowed to administer death penalty themselves. So they brought Jesus to the governor, Pilate, to have him executed.



  1. Judas’ guilt 犹大的愧疚 (27:3-5)

Jesus’ end was obvious to all, including Judas, and the full enormity of his treachery finally dawned on him. Judas’ conscience was seared. However, he was only emotionally remorseful (Gk. metamelomai). To salve his conscience, he attempted to return the bribe but was rejected. In utter desperation and frustration, he flung the money and hanged himself. Although he did not repent (Gk. metanoeō), the reality of his guilt was more than he could bear.  



  1. The Chief Priests’ Hypocrisy 祭司长的虚伪 (27:6-10)

The Jewish leaders knew that the thirty pieces of silver was “blood money” (v.6) and had to devise a way to dispose it. In perhaps a disguise of a good will gesture to the public, they decided to buy a useless field to bury strangers. This was in fulfillment of the prophetic saying found in Zechariah 11:13. As Jeremiah was always listed first in the rabbinical order, the entire prophetic category was also at times referred to as such.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Did Judas repent from his sin since he changed his mind and he was remorseful about his action? The answer is no. Biblical repentance is not only changing our mind but returning to God and ask for forgiveness. This is what is lacking in Judas’ repentance. Pray that we always return to God when we are remorseful about our sin.



  1. Many of us, after realizing that we are wrong, will try to correct it right our own way. This is a mistake upon mistake. We should return to God and ask God what we should do rather than devising another man-made plan to redeem ourselves. Pray that we follow God’s way rather than our own way.



  1. It is amazing how the prophecy of God works. The Lord not only knew how much Judas will sell Jesus for, but what Judas will do after that and how the chief priests will do to his thirty pieces of silver. This is the omniscient God. Let us worship Him and praise His name.
