Matthew 马太福音 27:11-26 — The Trial of the King 君王的审讯

After reporting Judas’ suicide, Matthew resumes the account of Jesus’ trial.



  1. The King’s Silence 君王的沉默 (27:11-14)

The Sanhedrin’s purpose of delivering Jesus to Pilate was not only to put Him to death, but to avoid their responsibility. Despite their false charges, Jesus gave no response. A person who said nothing in his own defense was unheard of in Israel and it was astounding to Pilate. But Jesus’ innocence was so obvious that it demanded no defense on His part.



  1. The Crowd’s Demand 群众的要求 (27:15-23)

Though Pilate knew that Jesus was innocent, but out of his fear of the crowd, he could not release Jesus. In order to avoid executing Jesus, Pilate used the custom of releasing a prisoner during the Passover to set Him free. But under the incitement from the chief priests and elders, the crowd chose to release Barabbas and demanded for Jesus’ crucifixion. The multitude clearly wanted blood, not justice.

  1. The Governor’s Acquiescence 巡抚的默许 (27:24-26)

Finally realizing that no amount of reasoning or evidence would prevail with the obsessed mob, the governor made public testimony that although he did not concur with their decision, he released Barabbas according to the wishes of the crowd and had Jesus delivered to be crucified.




Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. When Jesus was accused by the chief priests and elders, He gave no answer. (Mt. 27:12) On the other hand, what could he say? “No, I have no sin?” If so, he cannot take away our sin. If he says, “Yes I sinned,” then he lied. So He did not open his mouth just as what Isaiah prophesied in Isaiah 53:7. What a difficult moment we have put Jesus in. Please respond in prayer.



  1. The crowd was shouting without thinking, “We want Barabbas, and crucify Jesus. (Mt. 27:20). It was the peer pressure that drove their decision. What about us? Are we following the crowd or do we think carefully what we are doing? Pray that we are not driven by peer pressure but the Word of God.



  1. Because of his political career, Pilate did not stand for the justice. Are we not the same? How many times because of career we sacrifice Jesus or Sunday service? Pray that we will be willing to stand for Jesus, His truth and His kingdom.
