Matthew 马太福音 9:35-10:4 — The Mission of the Church 教会的使命

This is the second major disclosure of Jesus Christ in the gospel of Matthew as Matt 9:35 repeats 4:23 in emphasizing Jesus’ teaching, preaching and healing ministry. It serves as inclusion. Matthew already showed us the authoritative words and authoritative works. Now he is showing us the task, the need and the call of continuing His teaching and works. That is the mission of the church.



  1. The Task of the mission 使命的任务 (9:35)

Just as in Matt 4:23 Matthew is showing us Jesus went about teaching, preaching and healing. He is preparing the ground to show the need for mission by repeating the statement. 



  1. The Need of the Mission 使命的必要性 (9:36-38).

As the great Shepherd of Israel, Jesus went around and saw the people of Israel being harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. He had great compassion for them and He instructed the people to pray earnestly to the Lord to send out laborers into his harvest.”



  1. The Call to the mission 使命的呼召 (10:1-5)

Because of His compassion Jesus went ahead to appoint the twelve Apostles and sent them out to continue His work of ministry. Here the names of the original twelve Apostles were given.




Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Jesus saw the crowds like sheep without a shepherd and He had compassion for them. Can you see the people around you are like sheep without shepherd and have compassion for them just like Jesus? Pray that we had compassionate hearts like Jesus.

耶稣看见众人像羊没有牧人那样就对他们动了怜悯之心。 你是否也像耶稣那样看见周围的人像羊没有牧人就对他们动了怜悯之心呢?请祷告我们能有像耶稣那样的怜悯之心。


  1. When Jesus saw the need of the people He did not ask them to go but pray. Why? It is because the job of pastors and missionaries are not meant for everyone but those who are called by the Lord. Our job is to pray to the Lord to send His men to the fields. Do you bring the need to the Lord? Are you praying for pastors and missionaries?



  1. This is the first time the word apostle is used on the twelve. They were personally chosen by Jesus Christ. Apostles are very unique and they have special calling, authority and signs (2 Cor. 12:12).