Deuteronomy 申命记 8 — Forget Not Your Lord 不要忘记你的主

If we trust Him, God will bring us out (v. 14), lead us through (v. 15), and bring us in (v. 7). Whatever He starts, He finishes (Ps. 138:8; Phil. 1:6).



As He guides us, God tests us. He tests us by His Word (v. 1). Will we hear every word that He speaks, and will we obey? He also tests us by His ways (vv. 2–9), putting us into situations that help us to know our own hearts. When we become proud, God has to humble us. When we neglect His Word, He must remind us that His Word is our very life.



God tests us by His wealth (vv. 10–20). If we love Him and feed on His Word, we will rejoice in Him and not just in His gifts. In times of prosperity, it is easy to forget the Lord who makes it possible for us to work and earn wealth.



Christians ask God’s blessing on their food before they eat, but verse 10 tells us to bless God after we have eaten. This is one way to remember that God “gives us richly all things to enjoy” (1 Tim. 6:17).



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. God knows what’s in the hearts of His children, but His children don’t always know—or want to know. Life is a school (Ps. 90:12) and we often don’t know what the lesson is until we fail the test! How we respond to the tests of life reveals what’s really in our hearts, especially when those tests involve the everyday experience of life. The people of Israel were frequently hungry, thirsty and weary from the journey, and it was on those occasions that they became fretful and critical. The devil tempts us to bring out the worst in us, but God tests us to bring out the best in us. When God allows a difficult circumstance to test us, we can either trust Him and become more mature, or we will tempt Him and become more miserable. Let’s believe in the promises of God and rely on the Lord to care for us and bring us through for His glory and our good. Let’s pray that we are willing to accept the sovereign will of the Lord, examine our hearts and grow.



  1. There is peril in prosperity and comfort, for we may become so wrapped up in the blessings that we forget the One who gave us the blessings. For this reason, Moses admonished the Jews to praise God after they had eaten their meals so they wouldn’t forget the Giver of every good and perfect gift (v. 10; James 1:17). Moses spelled out the dangers involved in forgetting that God is the source of every blessing that we enjoy. If we forget God, then success has a way of making us proud (v. 14). Let’s pray that we love the Giver who is so gracious to us rather than love his gifts.   
