Matthew 马太福音 6:19-24 — Treasure in Heaven 天上的财宝

Jesus’ focus is now turned to materialism – luxurious and unnecessary physical possessions men store up for selfish reasons.



  1. A Single Treasure 唯一财宝 (6:19-21)

Lay-up treasures’ in the Greek carries the connotation of stacking coins horizontally. In this context, the idea is that of stockpiling or hoarding, and therefore pictures wealth that is not being used. It is kept for the sake of keeping and to make a show of wealth. The problem is not in the wealth itself but the desire of the heart; the heart that loves money more than God.



  1. A Single Vision 唯一异象 (6:22-23)

The lamp of the body is the eye and the eye of the soul is the heart. The eye becomes an illustration of the heart. Hence, the way we look at and value money is a sure barometer of our spiritual condition.



  1. A Single Master 唯一的主 (6:24)

A person cannot devote himself to two things equally at one time. Either he devoted to one and despises the other or he loves one and hates the other. One cannot serve both God and money.





Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. What is the purpose and objective of your life? Is it money, recognition, or material gain in this earthly life? What is most important to you? How do you use your time, talent and resources? What treasures are you stacking up? Take a good look at your life and record your response to God.



  1. The person who is right with the Lord will be generous and happy in his giving to the Lord’s work. By the same token, a person who is covetous, self-indulgent and stingy has good reason to question his relationship with the Lord. Are you happy and generous or are you always wanting more?



  1. We cannot serve God and money at the same time. Who are you serving? Do you know? Are you sure?