Matthew 马太福音 27:27-44 — The Wickedness of the Crucifixion 十架之恶

Matthew focuses on Jesus’ crucifixion primarily from the perspective of man’s wickedness, which is portrayed in the four groups of evil people.



  1. The Mockery of the Ignorant Wicked 无知恶人的戏弄 (27:27-37)

The ignorant wicked were the Roman soldiers who were under orders to scourge and crucify Jesus, yet they far exceeded what their basic duty required. Their torment of Jesus was wicked and inexcusable, but it was done out of spiritual ignorance.



  1. The Mockery of the Knowing Wicked 知情恶人的戏弄 (27:38, 44)

The knowing wicked was one of the robbers (the other one repented) who were rightly crucified for their sins. The wickedness of his heart was manifested in his continued mocking of Jesus even in his last breath.



  1. The Mockery of the Fickle Wicked 善变恶人的戏弄 (27:39-40)

The fickle wicked composed of pilgrims who had come to celebrate the Passover. It included the inhabitants of Judea and Galilee who had previously admired Christ when their needs were satisfied. When they found out Jesus was not what they expected, they turned from admiration to mockery.



  1. The Mockery of the religious wicked 宗教恶人的戏弄 (27:41-43)

By far, the most wicked of these were the religious leaders. Though they professed to have great knowledge of God and presumed to be pleasing to Him, yet they not only opposed and condemned Jesus, but enticed other people to support them in their wicked rejection of Him.




Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Can you appreciate what Jesus was going through on the cross? This is the all-powerful God who created the whole universe merely by His words. Yet He has to endure the insult and mockery of these naïve, wicked and sinful people. This is the great example of meekness (Mt.5:5). Have you been slandered, mistreated and abused? If so you know what Jesus was going through. Pray that you will follow Jesus’ footstep.



  1. Jesus committed no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth. When he was reviled, he did not revile in return. Why did Jesus endure these insult and mockery? It’s for you and me. Let us respond in prayer.



  1. How was Jesus able to withstand these tortures and slandering without fighting back? The Bible says it is because he entrusted himself to God who judges justly. (1Pet. 2:22-23) Pray that we will do the same for him.
