Matthew 马太福音 16:13-17 — Jesus, the Son of the living God 耶稣,永生神的儿子

This passage represents the climax of Jesus’ teaching ministry, which posed the question that every human being must ask: Who is Jesus Christ?



  1. The Ultimate Question 最根本的问题 (16:13-15)

“The Son of Man” was Jesus’ most common designation of the Messiah. In the Gentile territory of Caesarea Philippi, Jesus asked His disciples the ultimate question, “Who do you say that I am?” It was not that Jesus was unaware of their opinions, but He wanted the Twelve to consider the popular perceptions of their days before answering Him. For the multitude Jesus was anyone but the Messiah.



  1. The Ultimate Confession 最根本的告白 (16:16)

On behalf of all the apostles, Peter answer that Jesus is the Christ (Greek equivalent of the Hebrew Messiah). Not only that, Peter also confessed Jesus as the Son of the living God, the Creator of the universe. With this confession, the truth of Jesus’ divinity and Messiahship was now firmly established in their hearts and minds. He is indeed truly God and savior.



  1. The Ultimate Source 最根本的源头 (16:17)

But this understanding of Jesus was not brought out by human capabilities but by the Heavenly Father. He Himself must reveal them and bring understanding of His Son to human minds. Only then can they truly confess Jesus as Lord and be divinely blessed.




Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Since Jesus’ day, much of the world has wanted to speak highly of Him without recognizing His deity and lordship. Are you ever taken in by others’ opinion? Take a few moments to consider who He is to you.



  1. If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved (Rom. 10:9). Have you publicly confessed Jesus as your Lord and Savior? If not, what is hindering you from your confession of faith?



  1. For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God (Eph. 2:8). Are you thankful that God had saved you? Read Ephesians 2:1-10 again to remember how we used to be and praise God for His gift of salvation.
