Matthew 马太福音 6:25-34 — Overcoming Anxiety 克服忧虑

According to statistics, 40 million adults have anxiety disorders and it affects an estimated 18% of U.S. population. Anxiety is an unsettled feeling toward the future and depression is an unsettled feeling toward the past. In this passage Jesus gives us the antidote to anxiety.



  1. Worrying is a sin issue 忧虑是罪 (6:25)

Worry is sin. Yes, this is a strong statement, but this command came from Jesus. To disobey Jesus’ command is a sin. Anxiety is no longer just a psychological or mental issue but a sin issue. Worry is the sin of disobedience to God’s command. If we focus on obeying the commands in the present we won’t be distracted into worrying about the future.



  1. Worrying is a faith issue 忧虑是无信心的表现 (6:26-33)

Jesus said, “O you of little faith!” The issue of worry is an issue of faith. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you? Worry is the sin of distrusting the promise and providence of God.

耶稣说:“你们这小信的人哪!” 可见忧虑的问题亦是信心的问题。如果连野地里的草今天还在,明天就被丢进火炉里,神也尚且这样妆饰它,更何况是对我们呢?忧虑是不信任神的承诺和眷顾的罪。


  1. Worrying is a heart issue 忧虑是心里的问题 (6:34)

We will not worry about things we do not love or care for. The fact that we worry about them shows where our hearts are. Our problem is that we love our material world so much that we are afraid to lose it. But Jesus said we should seek first the kingdom of God, not this material world. So worry is a heart issue: we love the world more than God.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Do you realize that worry is not a trivial sin? Doubting the perfect and almighty God is a serious sin. Confess your sin to God and learn to trust him rather than your own understanding.



  1. Worry shows that we are mastered by our circumstances and by our own finite understanding of the situation rather than by God’s Word. Pray that God will help you understand His sovereignty, His wisdom and His goodness toward us.



  1. Worry is a heart issue. Is our heart with the world and pursuing the pleasure of the world? Our worry reveals our heart condition. Pray that you are not attracted to the temporal and materialistic world.