Matthew 马太福音 3:13-17 — The Commission of the King 君王的授衔

  1. The King being baptized by John 受约翰施洗的君王 (3:13-15)

Jesus not only took our sins away but imputed to us his righteousness when we believe in Him (2 Cor. 5:21). Here is the evidence Jesus fulfilled all his righteousness on earth for us since He himself does not need to baptize or repent of any sin because He is sinless (1 Pet 2:22).

  1. The King being anointed by the Holy Spirit 受圣灵恩膏的君王 (3:16)
After Jesus was baptized, as he went up from the water, the heavens were opened to him, and the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming to rest on him. This is the confirming sign was that He was the Messiah (John 1:33). This anointment is also an official commissioning by the Holy Spirit for his kingly ministry just as Isaiah anointed by the Spirit to serve (Isa 61:1).



  1. The King being confirmed by the Father 受天父肯定的君王 (3:17)
All the members of the Trinity participated in Jesus’ baptism. The Son confirmed His kingship by fulfilling all righteousness and the Spirit confirmed His right of Messiahship by resting on Him. Finally, the Father confirmed His Messiahship by saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased.”



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Jesus Christ not only takes our sins away, he adds to us His righteousness. Jesus is perfectly holy and righteous so he does not need to repent or to be baptized. The reason for His baptism is “to fulfil all righteous.” The righteousness is not for Himself but for us, so that he can credit to us his righteousness (2 Cor. 5:21). Let us thank Him not only because he wipes us clean but He gives us His white garment which is His righteousness.
  1. After Jesus was baptized the Spirit of God descending on Him. This is the anointing of the Holy Spirit. In the Old Testament anointment means God commissioned them (kings and priests) for ministry. Here we see God anointing Jesus for his ministry.
  1. The Father testifies after Jesus’ baptism is clear evidence of His Messiahship. Therefore, we need to obey Jesus and worship Him.