Matthew 马太福音 10:16-23 — Advice to the Missionaries 予宣教人的劝告

  1. Parallel Example (Analogy) 平行的例子(比喻)(10:16)

Jesus sent the apostles into the lost are parallel to sending the sheep into the wolves. Sheep are perhaps the most dependent, helpless of all domesticated animals. And when real danger does come, they have no natural defense. So Jesus instructs them to be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. In Egyptian hieroglyphics, as well as in much ancient lore, serpents symbolize wisdom and doves, the most harmless and gentle of birds, represent being pure.



  1. Persecution 逼迫 (10:17-18)

Jesus proceeds to identify the “wolves” as men who oppose God and His kingdom. Satan will enlist the support of every unbeliever possible in his fight against God. They can be religion, government, family, and society in general. The world system, of which every unbeliever is a part, is diametrically opposed to Christ, His people, and His kingdom. Beware of these opponents, be on guard, be watchful, be perceptive. Jesus’ purpose in this text was to caution the apostles, and all of His people, not to be surprised when they are criticized, ostracized, and even imprisoned and out to death for His sake.



  1. Promise 应许 (10:19-23)

Those suffering for Christ will be defended by Christ. Furthermore God will give them a special presence of mind and clarity of thought to present a testimony more powerful than they would otherwise have been able to give.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. As Jesus sent the twelve to preach the gospel, He described them as sheep in the midst of wolves. Men called by God to preach the gospel are like sheep in the midst of wolves. They are not able to defend themselves, they need God’s protection. Do you pray for your pastors and missionaries?



  1. Satan is very busy attacking God’s church and God’s people. Are you instruments of Satan or instruments of God? Are you building up the church or tearing down the church?



  1. The Bible says, “All who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted (2Tim. 3:12). Are you prepared to face persecution?

圣经说:“其实,所有想要在基督耶稣里过敬神生活的,也都会受到逼迫”(提后 3:12)。你是否做好面对逼迫的准备呢?