Matthew 马太福音 16:21-27 — The Suffering Servant 受苦的仆人

  1. The Prophecy of Suffering 对受苦的预言 (16:21)

There are four phases of the divine plan which Jesus must fulfill before it is completed: 1) Jesus must go to Jerusalem, the divinely ordained place of sacrifice; 2) Jesus must suffer under the hypocritical religious leaders; 3) Jesus must be killed; and 4) Jesus must be raised up on the third day, which is His victory over those seeming defeats. But because of their great distress at hearing the first three imperatives, it is likely that the disciples failed to hear the last one at all.



  1. The Protest of Suffering 对受苦的抗议 (16:22-23)

Unable to accept what Jesus had just said, Peter brashly rebuked Him. But before he had a chance to finish, Jesus abruptly cut him off and accused him of speaking for Satan. Jesus knew that Satan had put the rebuke in Peter’s mind and He gave the reason why Peter fell into Satan’s trap: he was not setting his mind on God’s will, but man’s. When he trusted in his own perspective, he could no longer see God’s and unwittingly opposed Him.



  1. The Preparation of Suffering 为受苦做预备 (16:24-27)

Suffering is part of the Christian’s life and this involves self-denial, cross-bearing and loyal obedience. To gain every possession possible in this world and be without Christ is to be bankrupt forever. But to abandon everything in this world for the sake of Christ is to have blessing forever. As the Lord promises in His second coming, He will reward those who follow Him with everlasting life and all heavenly blessings forever.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Are you suffering in your Christian walk? Read Hebrews 12:1-2 and pray that God will strengthen our faith as we persevere through sufferings.



  1. Contrary to the prosperity gospels that are so popular in contemporary Christianity, a Christian walk is never without sufferings (2 Tim. 3:12). Are you willing to pay any price to follow Jesus? Or are you holding on to the empty promises of the prosperity gospels? Repent if you have not set your mind on God’s interests and pray that God will teach you to submit to His ways.



  1. Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him” (James 1:12). Let us pray that we hold on to the hope of the heavenly reward which God has promised to all who follow Him faithfully through all sufferings.
