Exodus 出埃及记 28 — The Priesthood 祭司的职分

The priesthood was both a privilege and a responsibility. It was wonderful to wear the glorious garments and be in the holy courts, but being a priest also brought serious obligations.



They Ministered First to the Lord 他们首先事奉主.

Four times in this chapter, God emphasized “to serve me as priests” (vv. 1, 3, 4, 41). God’s servants must seek to please Him alone (1 Cor. 4:1–7). We must be “bondservants for Jesus’ sake” (2 Cor. 4:5).



They Ministered to the People 他们事奉百姓.

God’s people are like jewels to Him (Mal. 3:17). Our great High Priest carries us over His heart and on His shoulders. He represents us before the throne of God so that we are “accepted in the Beloved” (Eph. 1:6).



They Ministered Together 他们一同事奉.

God supplied their needs as they served the people. There was no competition or confusion in the holy tabernacle because they served the same Lord and obeyed the same Word. God has a ministry for each of us, and He will equip us to do it.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. The holy garments not only distinguished the priests from the people but were emblems of that holy conduct which should ever be the glory and beauty, the mark of the ministers, without which their persons and ministrations will be had in contempt. They also typified the glory of the Divine majesty and the beauty of complete holiness, which rendered Jesus Christ the great High Priest. But our adorning under the gospel is not to be of gold and costly array but the garments of salvation, the robe of righteousness. Today all believers are priests. Peter said, “You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation. (1Pe 2:9) Let’s pray that we will glorify the Lord with our heart attitudes and righteous conducts.



  1. The chief ornament of the high priest, was the breastplate, a rich piece of cloth. The name of each tribe was graven in a precious stone, fixed in the breastplate, to signify their preciousness in God’s sight. How honorable were these believers! Regardless of how small and poor the tribe was, it was as a precious stone in the breastplate of the high priest; thus all the saints are dear to Christ. The high priest had the names of the tribes, both on his shoulders and on his breast, which reminds us of the power and the love with which our Lord Jesus pleads for those that are his. He not only bears them up in his arms with almighty strength, but he carries them in his bosom with tender affection. What comfort is this to us in all our addresses to God! Let’s thank God for his love for us.
