Exodus 出埃及记 1 — The “Problem” of Blessing 祝福的“问题”

The Nation Growing 民族的增长.

God promised that the descendants of Abraham would multiply greatly, and they did (Gen. 13:16; 15:5). God keeps His word and accomplishes His purposes in His time. Over the centuries, nations have tried to destroy Israel but have not succeeded. God gave Israel a special promise in Genesis 12:3, and He is keeping it. God’s children today should pray for Israel (Ps. 122:6), share the gospel with them (Rom. 1:16), and minister to them in practical ways (Rom. 15:25–27).

神应许亚伯拉罕的后裔将繁衍,而他们确实如此(创13:16; 15:5)。神守诺言,并按自己的时间成就旨意。数世纪以来,许多国家试图消灭以色列但都没有成功。神在创世记12:3给了以色列一个特别的应许,且如今持守着。神今日的儿女应该为以色列祷告(诗122:6)、向他们传福音(罗1:16),并以实际行动服侍他们(罗15:25-27)。


The Nation Groaning 民族的哀声.

God told Abraham that his people would experience suffering (Gen. 15:13–14). It is easy for nations and local churches to forget the heroes of yesterday (Heb. 13:7–8). Although we must not “embalm” the past, we certainly must not forget those who helped to make our future possible.



The new Pharaoh was more concerned about national security than human decency. When people become a means to an end instead of an end in themselves, we are not treating them as God wants us to. Enslaving the men was Egypt’s solution to “the Jewish problem.”



The Nation Facing Distinction 民族面临灭绝.

The new king not only enslaved the Jewish people, he planned to annihilate the race of Jewish people by instructing the midwives to kill the new born baby boys. However the midwives believed and obeyed God rather than men (Acts 5:29). Thank God for concerned people who will courageously defend the little ones!



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


1. God promised Abraham that He will multiply Abraham’s descendants greatly and it is amazing to watch how God did it. It grew from 70 men (Gen. 46:27) to 603,000 males (Num 1:46), who were 20 years of age and older, thus allowing for a total population of about 2 million departing from Egypt. The seed of Abraham was no longer an extended family, but a nation. The promise that his descendants would be fruitful and multiply (Gen. 35:11, 12) had indeed been fulfilled in Egypt. Do you trust God’s promises? Let’s pray that you do.



2. A new king arose over Egypt, who did not know Joseph. (Ex. 1:8) This is probably refers a Hyksos king (1730–1570 b.c.) who arose against Pharaoh during a period of political disintegration after Joseph. The term “arose” signifies “rose against,” which accords well with a foreign seizure of the Egyptian throne. Without Joseph and the blessing of God, Egypt has deteriorated into such a pitiful stage where it was taken over by a foreign king. Without God and His blessing we will be overcome by pride, lust and self-centeredness. Let’s pray that we constantly walk with God and ask God to help us to live in a healthy fear of Him.



3. The midwives feared and obeyed God, not man. And the Lord blessed them. Do you fear God and obey him?
