Matthew 马太福音 7:13-14 — Two Gates and Two Destinations 两道门与两个目的地

This is the culmination on Jesus’ teaching on the Sermon of The Mount. In the earlier part, Jesus gave God’s holy and perfect standards of Christian living. These standards are diametrically (completely) opposed to the standard of the world. Here, Jesus issues the command to follow Him.



  1. Two Gates 两道门

The command here is not for us to ponder or admire but to enter. Many people admire the principles of the Sermon on the Mount but never follow them. Many respect and praise Jesus Christ but never receive Him as Lord and Savior. Because they never receive the King and never enter His kingdom, they are as much separated from both as is the rankest atheist or most unethical pagan. Jesus’ command is not simply to enter some gate but to enter the narrow gate. The kingdom is for those who come to the King in poverty of spirit, mourning over their sin, hungering for God’s righteousness (Matt. 5:3–4, 6).  Be sure that commonly held beliefs are not necessary the right beliefs.



  1. Two Destinations 两个目的地

Two gates lead to two directly opposed destinations. The broad gate leads to destruction, whereas only the narrow gate leads to life. Jesus did not ask us to choose. He commands us to enter the narrow gate which leads to heaven.




Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. We are very much influenced by the culture around us. However, commonly held beliefs by the majority may not be right. In this case, they are downright wrong. Does public opinion dictate your life? Can you list them down and search and evaluate them in the light of Scripture?



  1. It is interesting that we always ask people to make a choice. But here Jesus did not ask us to choose. He commands us to enter the narrow gate. He commands us to obey him by putting the Sermon on The Mount in action. What about you? Do you understand the Sermon on The Mount? Do you act on it? Please list some actions you will put into practice today.