Matthew 马太福音 22:41-46 — Who Is Jesus Christ? 耶稣基督是谁?

After irrefutably answering the three questions the Jewish leaders had designed to entrap Him, Jesus now went on the offensive by asking them a question about the identity of the Messiah, the Christ.

耶稣对犹太领袖提出的三个刁难问题给予了无可辨驳的回答后, 反过来考问他们对弥赛亚——基督身份的认识。


  1. The inadequate answer 有欠恰当的答案 (22:41-42)

To the Pharisees as well as to most other Jews, the Messiah was no more than a man and the only identity of the Messiah they took seriously was that of his being the Son of David.


  1. The irresistible question 单刀直入的问题 (22:43-45)

Every Jew recognized Psalm 110 as being written by David and it is also one of the clearest messianic passages in the Old Testament. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, David had declared that God told the Messiah to sit at His (God’s) right hand, a place of coequal rank and authority. If David calls Messiah “Lord”, Jesus asked the Pharisees, how is Messiah the Son of David? Jesus’ point was that Messiah is David’s Son yet that alone was not the complete answer. The point is that Messiah is also the Son of God.

  1. The inappropriate response 令人叹息的回应 (22:46)

When Jesus finished His short but irrefutable proof of the Messiah’s divinity, the Pharisees and other religious leaders were dumbfounded but not convinced, silenced but not convicted, humiliated but not humbled, reluctantly impressed but still unbelieving.




Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Jesus asked the Pharisees a question when they were gathered together, “Who is the Christ?” This is the ultimate question. The answer will determine your eternal destiny. The Pharisees though they knew the answer yet they are far from the truth. How about you? Please pray that you REALLY know who Jesus Christ is.



  1. The Pharisees’ answer about the identity of Christ is partially correct. Partially correct answer cannot save. The Devil always gives half true and half false answer. This is most dangerous answer. Do you have the answer 100% correct? Pray that you study the God’s Word seriously to get the 100% answer correct.



  1. When Jesus showed them the right answer they knew it is true because they cannot answer. Yet they refused to accept. They are hard hearted. Pray that our heart will be soft and tender to receive the truth without hindrance.
