Matthew 马太福音 7:15-20 — Beware of False Prophets 防备假先知

After giving the invitation to “enter by the narrow gate,” Jesus warns about the false prophets who will oppose His teaching and lead people astray. Three things about false prophets we must learn.



  1. Caution 警告 (7:15-20)

Jesus said beware of false prophets. Simply being aware of the existence of false prophet is important. So many Christians are so gullible, they believe everything they hear. Jesus said the false prophets come in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. They look like Christians but they are spiritual beasts that pervert thinking and poison the soul, luring us onto the broad way that leads to death and hell. They are dangerous to God’s people and we should be alert and discerning.



  1. Character 品格 (7:16-18)

Jesus said we will know them by their fruits. A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit. Talk is cheap. Do they have actions to verify their talk? Do they bear fruit in keeping with their repentance (Matt 3:8)? A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. We will recognize them by their fruits. 



  1. Consequence 后果 (7:19)

Fire represents damnation. In fact John used a stronger term in Matt 5:12: “Unquenchable fire.” This is the description of burning Hell. False prophets will face the judgment of hell. So we need to be alert and avoid their destiny.




Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Many false prophets command a great following, because most people do not want to hear the hard truths. They prefer to hear what is pleasant and flattering, even if it is deceptive and deadly. What about you? What is pleasing to your ears?



  1. We can know the false prophets by their fruits. So do we just listen to the most popular preachers on the planet or do we also observe the fruits in their lives? Let’s pray that we will not be deceived.



  1. We usually cannot detect false prophets by appearance. They may speak softly and act lovingly. But if we look deeper, we will find they do not teach the whole counsel of God. They pick and choose what they want to believe. Are you familiar with the whole counsel of God that you can detect false prophets?