Matthew 马太福音 4:23-25 — The King Begins His Earthly Ministry君王展开地上的事工

  1. The King begins Teaching 君王开始教导 (4:23a)

Though Galilee had long been known as “Galilee of the Gentiles” Jesus chose to start his ministry here by teaching in the synagogues. Teaching is from didaskō, from which we get didactic. Jesus’ teaching was basically exposition of the Scripture as illustrated in Luke 4:16-21.



  1. The King begins Preaching 君王开始传道 (4:23b)

Proclaiming is from a term kērussō often translated “to preach.” The root idea is “to herald” or “to proclaim,” that is, to publicly make a known the message. Teaching (didaskō) relates to explaining a message, whereas the task of preaching (kērussō) simply is to proclaim and make it known the Word authoritatively.

传讲的原文是kērussō,常被译为“传道”。它的本意是“宣告”,“宣布”或“宣讲”的意思,也就是公开地表明神的信息。教导(didaskō)主要指的是解释或阐述,但“传道” (kērussō)仅仅是带权柄宣告神的话。


  1. The King begins Healing 君王开始医治 (4:23c-25)

Jesus begins His healing ministry to authenticate His Messiahship. As stated in Matt 11:1 that when John Baptist doubted, Jesus told John’s disciples to inform John what they saw and heard. That is the blind receive their sight and the lame walk, lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear, and the dead are raised up, and the poor have good news preached to them (Mat 11:1-5). The healing is to authenticate His Messiahship.



Praying the Scripture 经文祷告


  1. Jesus’ teaching is based on exposition of the Scripture. Look around us, how many teachings of the churches are expositions of the Scripture? On the other hand, can you tell whether the teachers are expositing the Scripture or are they teaching their own ideas? Pray that we are discerning so that we will not be mistaken human ideas to be God’s Word.



  1. Preaching is proclamation of God’s Word. Look around us, the preaching you hear is it a dialogue or proclamation of the Word of God? Is it story telling or jokes or is it an authoritative proclamation of God’s Word? Let’s pray for the pastors to be bold in proclaiming the Word of God without hesitation.



  1. Jesus’ healing is an authentication of His Messiahship. Have you personally acknowledged Him as Son of God and savior of the world? Let’s thank Jesus for His work on the cross.