Deuteronomy 申命记 14 — To be Holy 要圣洁

The children of the Lord must not be like the people of the world. The basic meaning of the Hebrew word translated “holy” is “to be different.” God’s people are different.



Although the Jewish dietary code does not apply to God’s people today (1 Tim. 4:1–5), the spiritual principle remains: we must be a separated and obedient people. The lists of “clean” and “unclean” foods were reminders that the people must learn to distinguish between what God accepts and what He rejects (Lev 11:41–47).



We should glorify God in what we receive and also in what we give (vv. 22–29). A tithe was 10 percent of the produce, which could be used as a sacrifice for joyful feasting before the Lord. A special tithe every third year supported the Levites and helped the poor.



In our receiving and in our giving, we should glorify God and joyfully serve Him. (1 Cor. 10:31.)



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. The ground for the prohibitions of the eating of certain animals was that Israel was to be holy to the Lord (vv. 2, 21). These special dietary laws were to separate them from socially mixing with pagan idolatrous people and to prevent them from being lured into idolatry. Some of these practices include cutting themselves, making baldness on their foreheads for the dead and boiling a young goat in its mother’s milk (Deu 14:1 and 21). These were the pagan practices of Canaanites. Let’s pray that we separate ourselves from the religious practices of our days so that we can be holy for the Lord.

以色列之所以不能吃某种牲畜,是因为他们当为主分别为圣(2, 21节)。这些特殊的饮食条规将阻止他们与崇拜偶像的异教徒交际,从而防止他们被引诱拜偶像。迦南人异教徒拜偶像的做法包括:为死人用刀划身、将额上剃光和用山羊羔母的奶煮山羊羔(申14:1和21)。让我们祈祷能与今世的宗教习俗分别,叫我们能作主圣洁的儿女。


  1. As a general rule, a tithe of 10 percent of their income is to be set aside as offering to the Lord. Are you faithful in your giving? Let’s pray that we give with a cheerful heart as this is what pleases the Lord (2 Cor. 9:7).
