Matthew 马太福音 17:22-27 — The Believer as a Citizen 身为国民的信徒

After Jesus gave the Twelve His third prediction of His death and resurrection (v22-23), He gave Peter a private lesson in the believer’s obligation to human government for after He is gone.



  1. The Citizen’s Excise (Taxes)  国民的缴税 (17:24)

The two-drachma tax was a tax that the Romans allowed the Jewish religious leaders to collect for the operation of the Jerusalem Temple. Because the temple tax was to be paid by the time of Passover, collectors were sent throughout Palestine one month in advance. It was such tax collectors who came to Peter to ask. Peter knew Jesus had always paid taxes. Therefore he simply said yes.



  1. The Son’s Exemption 人子的例外 (17:25-26)

In the ancient world, kings accessed taxes to support their families as well as their governments. It would not make sense for a father to collect money from his sons who depended on him. As God is the King of the temple, logically Jesus as His Son and all the believers will be exempted from paying the temple tax.



  1. The Lord’s Example 主的例子 (17:27)

As a Son Jesus doesn’t need to pay the temple tax but in order not to offend them, He told Peter to go and take the first fish from the sea and there was the coin for temple tax. The lesson is that Christians should not fight for non-essential issues and create unnecessary stumbling blocks for others.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. What are your Earthly obligations as a citizen of your country? Do you fulfill these obligations willingly or grudgingly? Pray that the Lord gives you the right attitude toward earthly government.



  1. But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ” (Phil. 3:20). How does it affect your way of life in this world, knowing that your true citizenship is in heaven?



  1. Even though our true citizenship is in heaven, we know that every government is ordained by God for social order and so is to be respected and obeyed by His people even when it is unjust. Read 1 Peter 2:13-16 again and pray that God will help us to live as obedient citizens even in this corrupted world.
