Matthew 马太福音 7:21-29, Two kinds of Believers 两种信徒

Today many claim to be Christians yet they support abortion, homosexuality and a licentious lifestyle. They live a life that cannot be differentiated from the world. Are they Christians?



  1. Two kinds of Believers 两种信徒 (7:21-23)

Many confess with their mouths, thinking they are believers. But Jesus said, “not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven” (Mat 7:21). Those who merely confess are not guaranteed of salvation but those who obey are. True believers bear fruit in keeping with their repentance (Matt 3:8). False believers claim to know God, but by their actions, deny him (Tit 1:16). Furthermore, many pursue charismatic gifts as a sign of spiritual piety and they say to Jesus, “did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?” (Matt 7:22). Jesus said to them, “I do not know you!” They are not Christians! True spiritual piety is manifest in their obedience to the Lord’s commands not miraculous signs and wonders.

很多人自称是基督徒,也以为自己是信徒。但耶稣说:“凡称呼我主阿,主阿的人,不能都进天国。惟独遵行我天父旨意的人,才能进去”(太7: 21)。惟独遵行天父旨意的人,才能确信自己的救恩;单凭口头承认是不足够的。我们虽是因信称义,但属实信徒必会结出与悔改之心相称的果子(太3: 8)。假信徒虽然声称他们认识神,但所行的却与神相背(提1:16)。此外,许多人追求属灵的恩赐,认为那是虔诚信仰的标志,并且会对耶稣说:“我们不是奉你的名传道,奉你的名赶鬼,奉你的名行许多异能么?”(太7:22)。耶稣将对他们说:“我不认识你!”他们不是基督徒!真正虔诚的信仰是体现在顺服神的表现,不是行神迹奇事的能力。


  1. Two kinds of men 两种人 (7:24-27)

The main focus of this parable is whether we ACT on Jesus’ words and, more specifically, on the Sermon on The Mount. We may have been listening to sermons all our lives, but if we do not act on it, then we are like the fool who builds his house on sand. James said faith without deeds is dead (Jam 2:26).



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Today many define spiritual piety as those who prophesy, speak in tongues, perform miracles and drive out demons. Listen to what Jesus said, “I never knew you!” They are not Christians! Wherever they get the power, it is not from the Lord. Let’s pray that we will not be attracted to those who claim to perform miracles, but follow those who truly obey God’s commandments.



  1. Prophecy, tongues and miraculous signs are not evidences of their spirituality. In fact they are not even evidences of salvation. The most importance test to see if we are Christians is whether we obey the Bible. Let’s examine ourselves and pray to God we would obey all that is stipulated in the Bible.



  1. Many of us have spent our lives in churches, listening to sermons. How many teachings have we actually put in practice? That is the key to this lesson. Let’s pray that we ACT on Jesus’ Word.