Matthew 马太福音 5:1-10 — The King’s Manifesto (Part 1) 君王的宣言(上)

When the Lord first started His ministry he preached, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Mat 4:17). Since the King has announced the Kingdom is at hand he has to announce His rules and manifesto for the kingdom. This sermon is a masterful exposition of the law and a potent assault on Pharisaic legalism.



  1. Blessed are the poor in spirit 虚心的人有福了 (5:3)

Blessed (Makarios) means happy, joyful, and blissful. Poor in spirit is a person who realizes he is completely bankrupt, totally dependent and absolutely no means of helping himself spiritually. Such person is blessed because the only thing he can do is ask God for help.



  1. Blessed are those who mourn 哀恸的人有福了 (5:4)

Nine different Greek words are used in the New Testament to speak of sorrow. The one used here (pentheō, mourn) is the strongest. It represents the deepest and most heart-felt grief over his own sin. True mourning over sin does not focus on ourselves, not even on our sin. It focuses on God, who alone can forgive and remove our sin.



  1. Blessed are the gentle 温柔的人有福了 (5:5)

The Greek word for gentleness or meekness is the opposite of being out of control. It is supreme self-control and submissive to the command of the Master. The word describes a wild animal which are tamed and under controlled for the master’s use.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Jesus declared, “Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Unless we see our sins, mourn over our sins, and repent from it, we cannot see the kingdom of heaven. Let us pray that we truly understand and repent from our sins.



  1. The true happiness is from God. Jesus said true happiness is the one who is poor in spirit. Are you poor in spirit? Can you see your own helplessness without God? If we still think we can enter heaven by our own strength, we are too proud. Pray that God will humble us and show us our pride and the sin of self-righteousness.



  1. The word “gentle” has the meaning of being “tamed” or “domesticated.” Are we running like a wild horse or are we willing to be “tamed” and under controlled for the use of the Master?
“温柔”这词有着“被驯服”或 “驯化”之意。我们是否正如一匹野马到处奔跑,或是甘愿被“驯服”,能有自制力,为主所用呢?