Matthew 马太福音 23:13-22 — The Works of the False Leaders I假教师的工作(一)

False teachers claimed to speak and act for God yet they lie about Him. Hence Jesus’ most scathing denunciations were reserved for them.



  1. Exclusion from the kingdom of heaven 从天国驱逐 (23:13)

Jesus repeatedly used the words “woe” and “hypocrites”. Woe is a declaration of a formal divine judgment from God; “hypocrites” are theatrical goodness that is simply for show. First, Jesus cursed the false leaders for teaching false religion in Israel which promised heaven but can only deliver hell. They came out with philosophies that may raise moral standards of the Jews, but is unable to remove their sin or provide reconciliation to God.

耶稣反复地使用“假冒为善”与 “有祸了”这两个词语。“假冒为善”指的是仅为演出的装扮,而“有祸了”是神正式的神圣审判宣言。首先,耶稣为假教师在以色列所教导的假信仰诅咒他们,因为他们所应许的天国,实际上是地狱。他们捏造了许多或能提高犹太人道德标准的哲学教导,却无法除去他们的罪,也无法使他们与神和好。


  1. Subversion of the kingdom of heaven 颠覆天国 (23:15)

Second, Jesus cursed the false leaders of not just shutting their own people out of heaven, but also going out to convert Gentiles into their religious falsehood that had replaced biblical Judaism.



  1. Perversion of truth of the kingdom of heaven 扭曲天国的真理 (23:16-22)

Third, Jesus called the false leaders “blind guides”, “blind fools” and “blind men” (v.16, 17, 19) in this indictment. As God’s chosen people entrusted with His revelation, the Jews considered themselves as the mark of truth (cf. Rom. 2:19-20). However, they had developed double standards – wicked pretenses for using holy things to disguise unholy gains and lies.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Following false leaders have eternal consequences. Are we able to discern their false teachings and falsehoods? Pray that you will be able to discern by using God’s Word.



  1. What is our heart’s desire? Do we chase after short-lived rewards on earth, or to lay up eternal treasures in heaven (6:19-20)? Please ask for godly desire that honor God.



  1. We thank God for humble leaders who gladly accept lowly service in the Lord’s name. We pray that the Lord will continue to keep these leaders in the way of the righteousness and for His glory.
