Matthew 马太福音 18:1-14 — The Children of God 神的儿女

Even after Jesus had foretold of His suffering and death, the Twelve were still impervious to it and even argued over who was the greatest in the kingdom. This prompted Jesus to give a great discourse on the lesson of humility.



  1. The Humility of a Child  孩子的谦卑之心 (18:1-4)

To teach the disciples, Jesus took a young child in His arms and held him before them. A little child is unpretentious, helpless, dependent, and without ambition for grandeur and greatness. Jesus said whoever humbles himself like the child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. That is the kind of humble submissiveness that results in greatness in God’s eyes.



  1. The Preciousness of a Child 孩子的珍贵性 (18:5-9)

Christ can never be separated from His people, thus when a person mistreats a Christian, he mistreats Christ. The world’s temptations are unavoidable, but to him who causes a Christian to sin, he is better off dying a terrible death. Hence, a person should use all means, no matter how extreme and painful, to keep himself from sinning so as to prevent causing others to sin.



  1. The Care of a Child 对孩子的呵护 (18:10-14)

To despise someone is to look down on him. God is so concerned about His beloved children that He has hosts of angels ready to come to their aid at all times. The parable also shows that Christ’s love is personal and individual. To despise any Christian is to despise Christ Himself and God the Father. The Lord seeks the spiritual well-being of all His children, and we had better not do less.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Have you ever compared yourself with other Christians? Why would you do that? “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God” (1 John 4:7). Confess your sins before God and pray that He will teach us to love one another.



  1. Take a moment to reflect on your life. Are there any hidden sins which you have not turned away from? Resolve to deal with them seriously, if not, they could be stumbling blocks for other believers.



  1. Do you despise other Christians because they are different from you? Know that we are all one in Christ through faith and there is no partiality with God. “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ” (Gal. 3:28).
