Matthew 马太福音 23:23-33 — The Works of the False Leaders II假教师的工作(二)

  1. Inversion 颠倒轻重 (23:23-24)

Jesus cursed the scribes and Pharisees for magnifying the insignificant and minimizing the essential. They were obsessed in ensuring that people paid the correct tithe, but give scant attention in their lives to obeying the scriptures’ moral truths.



  1. Self-indulgence 自我放纵 (23:25-26)

Jesus also cursed the scribes and Pharisees for their extortion of others for indulgence of themselves. The unscrupulous leaders appeared to have pious devotion to the Lord, but inwardly plundered both the souls and money to serve themselves.



  1. Contamination 玷污他人 (23:27-28)

In Jesus’ time, a person becomes ceremonially unclean for seven days if he touched a dead body or grave (Num. 19:16), thus tombs were carefully whitewashed to identify them apart. These glistening tombs had beautiful appearances, yet they not only contain dead bones, but spiritually defile one who touches it. The scribes and Pharisees were such.



  1. Pretension 虚假伪装 (23:29-33)

Lastly, Jesus cursed the scribes and Pharisees for their pretension in presuming to be superior to others. They asserted self-righteously that they will not persecute or martyr saints of God, and yet were plotting to kill Jesus – their own Messiah and Prophet – at that very moment. These people will be judged.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. God does not denounce tithing and He repeatedly said that a heart’s obedience is better than sacrifice (1 Sam. 15:22, Ps. 51:16-17, Hos. 6:6). Pray that you obey God’s word including the fruits of righteousness as well as offering.



  1. Essentially the allures of the world blinded the eyes of the scribes and Pharisees (1 Jn. 2:16), hence they are unable to love God and their neighbors, using all means and ways to gratify their desires of the flesh (Gal. 5:16). Pray that we fix our eyes on Jesus, serving each other with love that comes from a pure heart (1 Tim. 1:5, 1 Pet. 1:22).



  1. Our Lord searches the hearts and minds of man (Ps. 139:1, Jer. 17:10, Rev. 2:23) – there is nothing in the dark that will not be brought to the light. Pray that we do not put up pretenses in front of man, yet harbor deep hatred both for them and God.
