Exodus 出埃及记 31 — The Calling and the Work of God 神的工作与呼召

Work 工作.

When God wants to get a job done, He calls workers, equips them, and gives them the plan for the task. He also calls people to help them and to provide the needed resources. Bezalel and Aholiab were gifted artisans, but they needed God’s calling and enabling before they could do the work to please Him.



Rest 安息.

Why did God mention the Sabbath at this point? Perhaps He wanted to remind His people that even the building of the sacred tabernacle was not a reason for breaking the Sabbath law. They needed a day of rest, and since the Sabbath was a sign between God and His people, they needed to honor Him. God wants us to be balanced: work, rest, worship.



Law 律法.

Luke 11:20 suggests that “the finger of God” signifies the Holy Spirit, who wrote the Word of God (2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Pet. 1:21). He now writes it on the hearts of those who trust Christ and worship Him (2 Cor. 3:1ff.).



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. The Israelites were masons and bricklayers in Egypt, they were not qualified for quality and magnificent jobs. But the Holy Spirit miraculously gave Bezaleel and Aholiab the skill that was needed. Those whom God calls to any service, he will find or make fit for it. The Lord gives different gifts to different persons; let each mind his proper work, diligently remembering that whatever wisdom any one possesses, the Lord put it in the heart, to do His commandments.



  1. Orders were now given that a tabernacle should be set up for the service of God. But they must not think that the nature of the work, and the haste that was required, would justify them in working at it on Sabbath days. The Hebrew word Sabbath signifies rest, or ceasing from labor. The thing signified by the Sabbath is that rest in glory which remains for the people of God. Does your work/career stop you from coming to worship God on Sunday?
