Exodus 出埃及记 5-6 — Knowing God 认识神

When Moses and Aaron began their work in Egypt, their first problem was with Pharaoh (5:1–9). Not only did Pharaoh refuse to let the people leave Egypt but he made their work more difficult. That gave Moses a second problem—his own people, who blamed him for their plight (5:20–21). He had a foretaste of the criticism and rebellion he would experience for the next forty years. Often, the people you help the most will appreciate you the least. Moses’ third problem was with the Lord Himself (5:22–23)! God had promised success but Moses had failed. Even the Jews didn’t believe him!



But God gave Moses the assurance that He needed (6:1–8) and told him to return to his job and stay with it. God doesn’t solve every problem immediately, nor does He follow your schedule. When you think you have failed, even when you have obeyed God’s will, ponder on Isaiah 55:8–9 and Jeremiah 29:11.

但神给予摩西他需要的保证(6:1-8)并要他回到岗位上坚持下去。神并不会立即解决你的每一个问题,也不会按照你的时间表行事。当你认为你已听从神的旨意了却仍失败,请思考以赛亚书 55:8-9 和耶利米书 29:11 的话。


Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. The Egyptians were the most polytheistic people known from the ancient world. Even today, the historians and archeologists are not completely sure the total number of gods they worship. However, most lists include somewhere in the neighborhood of 80 gods including lion, ox, ram, wolf, dog, cat, cobra, frog, locust and other insects. They will have no problem adding one more god to their collection. So when Pharaoh said, “Who is the LORD, that I should obey his voice (Ex 5:2), he is despising the Lord “God of the slave.”  So when the Lord sent the ten plagues to judge and destroy the idols/gods of Egyptians (Ex 12:12) He is showing them who the God of this universe is. Ultimately the Egyptians will know the LORD and worship Him (Isa 19:21). Do you have idols in your hearts? The Lord will destroy them one by one.



  1. Not only the Pharaoh did not know God, Moses and the Israelite also did not truly know him (3:11; 6:3, 7). Do you know the Lord is the mighty great “I AM”? Furthermore, He is the merciful, compassionate and faithful God? Can you list out all the verses that indicate the attribute of God in these beginning chapters of Exodus? Let’s pray that we know God and know him well.
