Matthew 马太福音 12:1-21 — The Lord of the Sabbath 安息日的主

  1. Jesus’ Desire of Mercy 耶稣怜恤人的渴望 (12:1-8)

Sabbath was unique to the Old Covenant. Its original purpose of rest was perverted by man-made regulations forbidding Sabbath activities. Whilst the disciples’ actions were permissible in Scriptures (cf. Deut. 23:24-25), the legalists charged it sinful. In response, Jesus instructed them on three specific areas that Sabbath was not designed to do: to restrict deeds of necessity (v.3-4, cf. 1 Sam. 21:4), services to God (v.5, cf. Lev. 24:8-9) and acts of mercy (v.7, cf. Hos. 6:6a). Jesus substantiated in v.6-8 His authority to say these things.

安息日是旧约独有的。它的初衷是要人休息,但人却曲解其意,竟在这日禁止所有活动。虽然门徒的行为不违反圣经条规(参:申23:24-25),但律法主义者却指控他们有罪。因此,耶稣教导他们有关安息日不能限制的三个具体活动:一、必要之举(3-4节,参:撒上21:4);二、对神的侍奉(5节,参:利24:8-9);三、怜悯之行(7节,参:何6:6)。 在第6至8节中,耶稣显出了祂说话的权柄。


  1. Jesus’ Illustration of Mercy 耶稣怜恤人的实例 (12:9-14)

Without waiting for a response, Jesus entered their synagogue to give an illustration. Jesus not only taught doing good on a Sabbath day, He demonstrated it before their eyes. He said to the man who had a withered hand, “Stretch out your hand!” and it was healed.



  1. Jesus, the Servant of Mercy 耶稣—怜恤人的仆人 (12:15-21)

Jesus withdrew because it was not yet time for Him to die on the cross. However, many may wonder why Jesus was acting like a defeated servant if He is the Messiah. Thus, Matthew quoted from Isaiah 42:1-4, assuring us that Jesus is the Messiah chosen by the Father and sent in the Spirit to proclaim the gospel. He is committed to meekness, comforting the weak, and ultimate victory belongs to Him.




Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. The Lord said, “I desire mercy, not sacrifice.” What do you “bring” to worship God? Are they mere sacrifices of outward actions? Do they include inward mercy that you show to people around you during the week?



  1. Do you obey the law logistically and miss the spirit of the law? Examine yourselves and pray to God.



  1. Our Lord is a person of tender compassion, who does not break a bruised reed and does not quench a smoldering wick. What about you as his follower?
