Deuteronomy 申命记 17 — Hear and Fear 要听见害怕

Presumption. 僭越之罪

God’s Word reveals God’s will and we must not go beyond what God permits. To transgress (v. 2) means to “cross the line,” which is presumptuous sin. God says, “Thus far and no farther!” and we must obey. That obedience applied to sentences of judgment (vv. 8–13). The sinner who challenged the judgment of God’s appointed leaders was destined to die. “Hear and fear!”

神的话语启示了神的旨意,是我们不得跨越的。违背(2节)的意思是“越线”,而这是僭越之罪。神说:“只可到这里,不可越过!”,所以我们必须遵从。我们也须遵守审判官所断定的判语(8-13节)。罪人若不听从神所立之领导的审判,必被治死。 “要听见害怕!”


Pride. 骄傲之罪

Israel did ask for a king, and God gave them Saul (1 Sam. 8–10). We do not know whether he obeyed (vv. 18–20), but we do know that he failed to obey God’s will (1 Sam. 15). His successor David was a man of God’s Word, but David’s son Solomon committed all of the sins named in verses 16–17 (1 Kings 10–11). There was great prosperity for a time, but then the nation divided and turned from God.



Common citizens, priests, judges, and kings—all had an obligation to submit to God’s Word and obey it. The higher the position, the greater the responsibility. “Hear and fear!”



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. For I am God, and there is no other (Isa 45:22). You shall worship no other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God (Exo 34:14). The Lord is very serious about where our hearts are. He alone is the only God and there is none other. However, Calvin correctly observes that human hearts are the factories of idols. We made many idols for ourselves to worship. It includes visible and invisible idols. The desires of our hearts, being good or bad, can become our idols. Notice the punishment is severe. It is the death penalty. This is because God is our only Creator and we ought to worship Him alone. He will not create us to worship other gods. Let’s examine our hearts carefully. If we don’t God will do this.



  1. The kings are not to acquire many horses; not to take multiple wives and not to accumulate much silver and gold. That means the kings were not to rely on military strength, political alliances, or wealth for his position and authority, but he was to look to the Lord. The kings shall write for themselves in a book a copy of this law and it shall be with him, and he shall read in it all the days of his life, that he may learn to fear the LORD his God by keeping all the words of this law and these statutes, and doing them. (Deu 17:18-19) The leaders of a nation are also to write, read and do the word of God. Let’s pray for our nation that they will obey the Lord.
