Exodus 出埃及记 7-8 — The Beginning of the Ten Plagues 十灾的开始

If men will not obey His words of warning, God must speak by His works of judgment. When God speaks, there are only two responses: people either obey and submit or disobey and harden their hearts (Heb. 3:7–13). From the human point of view, Pharaoh resisted God’s will and thus hardened his own heart. From the divine point of view, God sent the judgments and therefore caused his heart to harden. The same sun that melts the ice also hardens the clay.



The court magicians were able to imitate Aaron’s miracle. Satan is a counterfeiter, and that is one way he opposes God’s work today (2 Tim. 3:8–9). Some miracles are lying wonders (2 Thess. 2:9–10). Be sure you can tell the difference (1 John 2:18–27; 4:1–6).



The plagues were God’s declaration of war against the false gods of Egypt (12:12). He proclaimed, “I am the Lord” (7:5). They were also a declaration that God had put a difference between the Jews and the Egyptians (8:23).



How sad that Israel saw God’s wonders in Egypt and yet did not trust Him (Ps. 106:6–7). They even wanted to return to Egypt after they had been delivered! Great experiences are no guarantee that one has grown spiritually. It all depends on what happens to your heart.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. How many times did Pharaoh hardened his own hearts and how many times did the Lord hardened Pharaoh’s heart? It will be interesting to do a count and notice the sequence. If we know God’s command and refuse to obey, we harden our own hearts. Do you harden your own heart? If we harden our hearts enough times it will become seared (1Ti 4:2) and unable to respond. Let’s pray that we do not harden our hearts and respond to God with obedience.



  1. The river of Nile was considered sacred because it provides livelihood for all animals as well as human. The attack on Nile river is the attack on Egyptian god “Hapi.” Similarly frog also represents “Heqt,” the god of fertility. It is interesting Moses asked Pharaoh when he wanted the frog to leave. Pharaoh said, “Tomorrow.” So it is done according to the stipulated time. It is beyond doubt that this is the work of the Lord. In the midst of all these, Pharaoh hardened his heart.



  1. Again, the plague of dust/gnats was against the Egyptian god “Hathor or set” – the god of desert. The plague of flies was against the healing god “Isis.” Even the magicians conceded to Pharaoh, “This is the finger of God.” (Ex 8:19) Yet Pharaoh still refused to obey the Lord. How many times do we want to harden our hearts before we start to obey? Let’s pray that we obey God at once.
