Matthew 马太福音 8:5-13 — Jesus Heals the Gentile’s Servant 耶稣医治外邦人

Faith is important but faith in itself is useless. Faith does not heal, Jesus does. We should not have faith in our faith, but have faith that is grounded in Jesus. The emphasis in this passage is not so much on the centurion’s “great faith” but his faith in Jesus. Jesus considers the centurion’s faith to be exemplary and warns the people of Israel for their lack of faith.



  1. Jesus’ Compassion 耶稣的怜悯 (8:5-7)

When a centurion came appealing to Jesus to save his servant, He said, “I will come and heal him“. In the Greek, the emphasis was that Jesus would personally go to his house to heal the servant. Jesus is full of compassion for him.



  1. Jesus’ Comments 耶稣的评价 (8:8-12)

The centurion replied, “Lord, I am not worthy to have you come under my roof, but only say the word, and my servant will be healed.” Jesus marveled, “No one in Israel have I found such faith.” The centurion’s faith is indeed great. He believes Jesus’ word is powerful and that He can heal without being physical present to heal.



  1. Jesus’ Command – “Go” 耶稣的命令 (8:13).

Jesus then issued a command “Go; it shall be done for you as you have believed,” and the servant was healed the very moment Jesus spoke. Jesus’ power and authority is beyond question.





Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. The centurion was a good boss. He cared for his servants. He did not send others to seek Jesus but went in person. Are you willing to personally seek Jesus when you or those in your charge need help?



  1. The humility of the centurion was made clear when he said, “Lord, I am not worthy to have you come under my roof” (Mat 8:8). Do you come to God with humility? Pray that we truly understand the need to humble ourselves and worship Him.

当百夫长说:“主阿,你到我舍下,我不敢当” (太8:8)时,这就显明了他的谦卑之心。你是否谦卑地来寻求神呢?请祈求主让我们能够真正了解我们需要谦卑自己来敬拜神。


  1. The centurion understands the meaning of true authority. “When I say to one, ‘Go,’ and he goes, and to another, ‘Come,’ and he comes, and to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it” (Mat 8:9). Do you understand Jesus’ authority demands our full obedience? Do you obey Jesus?