Matthew 马太福音 24:1-14 — The Beginning of the End 结尾的开始

Having ended His last public sermon in a warning, Jesus’ cross is impending. Knowing this, He launched into a discourse of His second coming at the end of the present age to establish His millennial kingdom on earth. His message in Matthew 24-25 is also known as the Olivet discourse.



  1. The sign of His second coming 二次再来的迹象 (24:1-12)

Turning away from the crowd to His disciples, Jesus begins to explain the signs of His coming. First, there will be widespread deception by a proliferation of false messiahs who will lead many astray (v.4-5, cf. v.23-24). Second, there will be disputes and warfare among nations (v.6-7a). Third, natural disasters will be rampant (v.7b). Forth, there will be severe persecution of the saints by the ungodly world (v.9). Fifth, false believers will defect as a result of the persecution when their true character reveals (v.10-12).



  1. The sign of His gospel 耶稣福音的迹象 (24:13-14)

However, though wickedness increases and the love of people towards the things of God grows cold, the Spirit-empowered gospel in the believer will preserve him. He endures in faith despite hardship or persecution because of his relationship to Christ, thereby allowing him to endure to the end, where his hope of delivery out of the present evil system will finally realize. In that day, there will be widespread declaration of the gospel like never before, and then the end will come.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Do we recognize the signs of Christ’s coming? Are we warned? Pray that we stay alert and be prepared for His Second Coming.



  1. “If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him” (1 John 2:15) – People who love the world will eventually fall away when persecution comes. Pray that we constantly examine ourselves to see what is our first love.



  1. “For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith” (1 John 5:4); “He who began good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ” (Phil. 1:6). Let us thank our Almighty God for His hand of protection and preservation over us in this present evil age.
