Matthew 马太福音 8:18-22 — The Cost of Discipleship 作门徒的代价

Throughout history, many people have marveled at Jesus, praising His authority, wisdom, power, healing, and even His deity. They find Jesus appealing and desire to associate themselves with him, yet they are unwillingly to submit to Him as Lord. Here, through these two examples, Jesus shows us what keeps men from becoming genuine disciples of Jesus Christ.



  1. Comfort 享乐 (8:18-20)

To some, personal comfort is everything. Here, Jesus mentions some requirements of true discipleship (self-denial, sacrifice and the prospect of suffering), all of which were unexpected to the scribe. He simply disappeared without a word.



  1. Cash 钱财 (8:21-22)

In this context, it doesn’t mean that the man’s father had just passed away. The phrase ‘I must bury my father’ was a common Near Eastern figure of speech that referred to a son’s responsibility to help his father in the family business until the father died and the inheritance was distributed. This man, who asked to first bury his father, did not want to risk losing his personal prosperity and well-being by becoming Jesus’ disciple.





Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Jesus Christ sacrificed his life for you, what do you sacrifice for Him? Pray that we do not take his salvation lightly.



  1. Is personal comfort very important to you? Do you make a little sacrifice every day to set aside time to read the Bible, mediate on the Bible and commit time to prayer? Are you willing to sacrifice – if you call that a sacrifice – for Him?



  1. Do material possessions like cash, car or career hinder you from following Christ? Examine yourself and your response to God.