Matthew 马太福音 5:13-16 — Salt and Light of the World 世上的光与盐

  1. Do not ruin your testimony 不要破坏你的见证  (5:13)

Salt has always been valuable in human society and it also represents a valuable commodity. The primary characteristic of salt is to preserve the goods from decaying. Jesus warns that Christians should not lose their testimony like salt lose it taste.



  1. Do let your testimony shine before men 要让你的见证照在人前 (5:14-15)

Jesus said that Christians are light of the world. People light a lamp to gives light to all in the house therefore Christians should let their light shine before men just like a city set on a hill cannot be hidden.

In the same way Christians must bear testimony for the Lord and be visible with all honesty.



  1. Your testimony is to bring glory to God 你的见证当将荣耀归给神 (5:16)

Jesus said that Christians are light of the world. The light Jesus spoke about is our good behavior and good work which God created us to do before the foundation of the world (Eph. 2:10). Christians should let our good behavior and good works shine before men so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. (Mat 5:16)




Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Jesus said, “If salt has lost its taste how shall its saltiness be restored?” If we lose our testimony how can others trust us again? Pray that we be circumspect in our daily walk in order not to lose our testimony.



  1. Your testimony is like a city set on a hill and a lamp set on a stand. You are not to hide but to shine before men. Are you living in isolation? Pray that we do not isolate ourselves but let our testimonies shine before men.



  1. We are to live a life that brings glory to the Father in Heaven. Are you glorifying God in your daily decision? Pray that you are fully aware of our duty every minute of your life.