Matthew 马太福音 12:38-50 — Rejection, Reformation and Relationship 拒绝、改革与关系

  1. Rejection 拒绝 (12:38-42)

The scribes and Pharisees came demanding that Jesus prove himself as the Messiah once again. They asked for a sensational celestial sign (cf. 16:1) for the purpose of exposing Him as a blasphemous false teacher. Jesus said that their very request had already proved their rejection of God and the Scripture; He would not bend Himself to satisfy their whims further. Instead, the only sign to be given will be His resurrection three days after His death on the cross. Jesus ended with statements of judgment – they will be condemned for their unbelief, being worse than Gentiles who repented at His message (cf. Jon. 3:5-6; 1 Kings 10:1-13).



  1. Reformation 变革 (12:43-45)

The main character here is an unclean spirit who went out of a person. When it cannot find a suitable place it returns to a clean house which suggests that the person is morally upright now. Jesus made it clear that outward morality itself, without turning to God, is in many ways more dangerous than immorality. The temporal freedom from stark sin may drive the man further away from God because he has lifted himself, and is self-righteousness filled with legalism.



  1. Relationship 关系 (12:46-50)

Reformation is not salvation; salvation brings man into a new and right relationship with God. The arrival of Jesus’ family gave Him the opportunity to illustrate the need for a personal relationship to Him. His half-brothers did not believe in Him then (John 7:5), and by referring to His disciples as His mother and brothers, He invites all who believes in Him into His intimate and divine family.


Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Notice the change of attitude in the people towards Jesus. In the beginning they were curious. This progressed to unbelief and later blasphemy. Now there is outright rejection which will later escalate to a plot to kill him. Notice the progression of heart attitude. It starts from inconsequential change and ultimately leads to heinous sin. Are you watchful over your heart attitude toward Christ?



  1. When the unclean spirit returned to the house, it was cleansed, swept, and put in order. This suggests a genuine moral reformation had taken place. There are no more obvious sins in his life. However, notice the unclean spirit returned to an “empty” house. The word empty refers to an unoccupied house. There is no Lord or master in the house. Do you have Lord or Master in your house?
