Exodus 出埃及记 11-12 — First Passover 首个逾越节

Life 生命

“One more plague!” The words sounded ominous, and they were, for the last plague was death to the firstborn. When you trust in the Lord, it means the difference between light and darkness (10:21–23) and life and death. God made this difference (11:7), and His people must maintain it (Rom. 12:1).



Lamb 羔羊

Observe the sequence: “a lamb” (12:3), “the lamb” (12:4), “your lamb” (12:5). The Passover lamb is a picture of Jesus Christ who died for the sins of the world (John 1:29; 1 Cor. 5:6–7). Do you call Him “a Savior,” “the Savior,” or “my Savior” (Luke 1:47)? Jesus is the Perfect Lamb (1 Pet. 1:18–19) who had to die to save us. We are saved not by admiring His example or by studying His teaching, but by applying His blood to our own hearts by faith. The lamb saved the Jews and it also sustained them for their journey. You “feed” on Jesus Christ when you meditate on His Word and make its truth a part of your inner person.




Yeast is a picture of sin: it begins small but spreads quickly; it puffs up; and it works secretly. When you are saved by the blood of Christ, you want to have a life that is pure and free from known sin. The Jews were not saved through them getting rid of the leaven; they got rid of the leaven because God had saved them (2 Cor. 7:1; 2 Tim. 2:19).



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. The plague of first born was the biggest blow to Pharaoh because Pharaoh who was considered the god of gods in Egypt and his firstborn was supposed to succeed his throne in future. This is divine judgment on Pharaoh, the god of all Egyptian gods. The Lord God said that on all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments: I am the LORD. (Ex 12:12) Let’s pray that we truly can sing like Moses “Who is like you, O LORD, among the gods? Who is like you, majestic in holiness, awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders? (Ex 15:11)



  1. Another reason the Lord punished their male children is because the Egyptians especially Pharaoh gave the order to kill all the male Israelite children earlier. The Bible says, “The LORD will by no means leave the guilty (Nah 1:3) Let’s pray that we confess our sins.



  1. Along with the lamb, the Israelites ate bitter herbs and unleavened bread (Ex. 12:14–20, 39; 13:3–7). Bitter herbs would remind them their bitter bondage in Egypt. The unleavened bread was a symbol of purity. Leaven is an image of sin: it’s hidden; it works silently and secretly; it spreads and pollutes; and it causes dough to rise (“puffed up”—1 Cor. 4:18–5:2). Paul admonishes local churches to purge out the sin from their midst and present themselves as an unleavened loaf to the Lord. Let’s pray we do that.
