Matthew 马太福音 8:23-27 — Jesus’ Authority Over Nature 耶稣战胜自然的权柄

After Jesus’ authoritative teaching on the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew recorded a number of miracles which demonstrated this authority. In other words, the Sermon on the Mount provided us with Jesus’ authoritative words, and now we see His authoritative deeds. The first set of three miracles showed us Jesus’ authority over sickness. Here, the second set shows us Jesus’ authority over nature.



  1. The Panic 恐慌 (8:23-25)

As Jesus and His disciples were crossing the Sea of Galilee in a boat, a great storm arose at sea. The winds blustered and the waves tossed the boat about like a cork in water, yet Jesus slept soundly. The disciples woke Him, saying, “Save us, Lord; we are perishing!” Like the Sea of Galilee, life is full of uncertainties; no one can sleep easy unless they rest in the Lord.

耶稣上了往加利利海的船,此时海上起了风暴。雨中咆哮着的暴风及波涛汹涌的海浪几乎要盖过了船,但耶稣却睡得可香甜了。门徒们上前来叫醒祂,说:“主啊,救救我们,我们没命了!” 没错,生命犹如加利利的海那样变化莫测;除非我们在主里安息,否则我们也无法安然入睡。


  1. The Power 能力 (8:26)

Jesus rose and rebuked the winds and the sea, saying, “Hush, be still” (Mark 4:39). The winds stopped, the waves ceased, the air cleared, and the water stilled. Jesus has complete power over nature.



  1. The Pondering 思索 (8:27)
The men stood in awe pondering, “What kind of a man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey Him?





Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Do you believe Jesus has power over nature? Does your Jesus have authority only in your religion or do you believe He has power over your surroundings?



  1. Jesus said to them, “Why are you afraid, O you of little faith?” It is obvious that we have little faith when we worry or fear. Pray that our faith will grow, so we can live a life that is glorifying to Him.



  1. If Jesus can calm the storm at sea he can calm the storm in your life. Do you believe in Him?
