Matthew 马太福音 5:17-20 — The Priority of the Scripture 圣经的重要性

  1. The Permanence of the Scripture 圣经的永恒性 (5:17-19)

The Law and the Prophets represent the Old Testament, the only written Scripture at the time of Jesus. Abolish (Kataluō) means to utterly overthrow or destroy; the same word is used of the destruction of the Temple (Matt. 24:2). Jesus said he come not to abolish but to accomplish. Accomplished (ginomai) has the meaning of becoming or taking place. Jesus came to ensure the Scripture is fulfilled or become a reality.



  1. The Purpose of the Scripture 圣经的目的 (5:20)

In saying “unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Scribes and Pharisees, you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven (5:20)” Pharisaism tends to soften the law’s demands by focusing only on external obedience.  However, Jesus was calling His disciples to a deeper, more radical holiness than that of the Pharisees. In the verses that follow, Jesus unpacks the full moral significance of the law, and shows that the righteousness the law calls for an internal conformity to the spirit of the law, rather than mere external compliance to the letter. It is a matter of the heart as much as the behavior. On the other hand, if they seriously obey the law from the heart, they will realize that they cannot fulfill the law. The purpose of the Law is to point out that we all are helpless and incapable of achieve righteousness on our own. It points us to Christ who not only save us from our sins but imputed His righteousness to us (2 Cor. 5:21).



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Jesus places high priority on the Scripture. As we saw in Matt 4:1-11 He used Scripture to fend off every temptation. Can you do that? Pray that we have highest regard for the Word of God, and we are so familiar with the Scripture that we can fend off all temptation by the Word of God.



  1. Jesus said that heaven and earth will pass away but not an iota, not a dot of the law will pass away until all is accomplished. Pray that we study the Word of God diligently even the meaning of each word and the grammar of each sentence must be carefully studied and obeyed.



  1. Jesus points out that he does not only want us to fulfill the law outwardly, but he also wants us to obey the law inwardly. Pray that our obedience comes from our hearts.