Matthew 马太福音 13:1-23 — Kingdom in Parables 天国的比喻

  1. The Parable 比喻 (13:1-9)

With chapter 13 we reach a turning point in Jesus’ ministry. From this point onward Jesus started to teach in parables. This is because Israel repeatedly rejects Jesus and even called Him Beelzebul, the prince of demons. This is a judgment to those who reject Jesus. Parables are metaphorical narratives designed to teach truths to those who are open to Jesus but alienate those who reject Him (13:10-11).



  1. The Purpose 目的 (13:10-13)

Parables are used to better express spiritual truths. To the believer, he is privileged to know and understand more truths, especially of things unknown in the OT, i.e. Christ and His gospel unto salvation. To an unbeliever, however, unexplained parables are meant to conceal God’s truth as they had intentionally chosen to ignore God and His Word. This is a judgment for their unbelief.



  1. The Punishment 惩罚 (13:14-17)

Teaching in parables is a form of judgment to the unbelievers. Verses 14-15 are taken from Isaiah 6:9–10 to describe the judgment of unbelieving Jews. The people kept on hearing, but they did not understand; and they kept on seeing, but they did not perceive, because they had intentionally closed their eyes and their ears to God and refused to understand with their hearts and return to Him in order for Him to heal them. Because they chose to ignore God and His word, God judicially locked them up in their unbelief so that they would fear His judgment.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Please list down the reason why Jesus teaches in parable. Please read Matt. 13:10-11.



  1. Who does Jesus want to conceal the truth from (Matt. 13:11-12)? Why?



  1. Why is this a judgment (Matt. 13:14-17)? How can we prevent ourselves from committing the sin that deserve this judgment?
